There really is no need for an in depth, crazy time and labor involved video these days.  I can make a solid promo vid of your talents/services/strengths with photos, soundtrack and the transitions we create for You and your Brand.  Here are a few of my own examples:

I wanted to have a lil' Flashback video of clips from the Trump/Omarosa show I was on, so with some iphone pics and some photos i photoshopped (even putting backgrounds in), and along with a sound I laid over from one of my bro's from the show, and DONE

I put this together for my casting agency to show the various Styles and Looks that SW jumps in and out of, indeed 'VersaStyle'!

Taking mainly promo pages I'd make from photoshoots and photoshopping, as well as fashion shows, I just imported and added transitions between and one of my fav 80's songs, and BAM!!$  With One Click the World can See, and FEEL my apparel brand STYLEbySTERLING™

And with THAT, All 'the tricks and skills' that I have learned to brand and package myself and What I DO in the BEST way I know, is what I am bringing to YOU in a way and price I don't believe ANYone else can come close to doing.  One Stop Shop, so to speak where One person does it All for YOU and most often in 3 days.  Yes, you heard right, front to back, top to bottom , START to FINISH Line!